The History of Boycotts

In this blog you will find: Information on the July 2020 Facebook boycott A history of the boycott How to navigate boycotts and how effective are they? The July boycott of Facebook by some major national and international brands was unusual in many ways – mostly because it was centered around hundreds of businesses withholding […]

How Has COVID-19 Impacted TV?

In this Blog you will find:  A short history of TV advertising  Adapting to the current media landscape   How to move forward with ad spend  Picture this: its 1922 and you’re relaxing with your family and listening to the radio in your Montreal home. CNCF radio gives you the entertainment and content you need for the day, but today […]

Leveraging Analytics to Improve Your Company’s Agility

In this Blog you will find:  How analytics can help shape your company’s future The importance of being agile Making investments for a better tomorrow By now, you’ve likely heard the statement that COVID-19 has become an accelerant to business trends. The pandemic has been pushing trends that were emerging to the mainstream, in some cases overnight.  […]

Re-Skilling Your Workforce for Success

In this Blog you will find:  The necessity of up-skilling and re-skilling   Company changes to begin re-skilling your workforce  Skills to succeed in a post-pandemic environment  A constantly evolving world means it is more important than ever for your company structure to use an agile approach to match the changing needs of customers and clients. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated […]

Transformation in a Transformational Time

In this Blog you will find: Organizational structure has shifted from in-house to remote workforce Importance in re-skilling workforce in new landscape Using data insights and analytics to recover and thrive post-pandemic With news of the Coronavirus and cases spreading rapidly in March 2020, companies had only a few days to switch their operations to […]

Talk to the Human Not the Consumer in COVID-19

As the world wrestles the COVID-19 calamity, brands are groping their way through a dark and smoky tunnel seeking the right message and tone to engage with people. Some are nailing it. And some aren’t. That is understandable, and even forgivable, although brands that get it wrong won’t be forgiven. There is no playbook for […]

Reimagining Influencer Marketing Strategy: It’s Time to Think Bigger

Influencer marketing can be a cost effective and powerful way for marketers to generate content, reach audiences, and build authentic relationships. However, because of the perceived risks, brands can be hesitant to entrust their brand to an influencer. Much of this risk centres around fraud. It’s estimated that at least 15% of advertisers’ spending on influencer […]

Culture and Innovation Without Walls

Late in 2018, we started a major renovation project on our company headquarters.  The impetus for the change was our limited ability to grow and facilitate increased team collaboration. Both of these goals were restricted by our office layout at the time.  We had a few things going for us – we own our building and had […]

Social Media Risk Management

How the world has changed. It’s hard to believe that just a few years ago, the social media risks associated with any business were vastly different. Gone are the days of one-way marketing communications and welcome to the world of dialogue. Businesses and organizations can be intimidated by “Risk Management” and the implications of feedback […]