Leveraging Analytics to Improve Your Company’s Agility

In this Blog you will find:  How analytics can help shape your company’s future The importance of being agile Making investments for a better tomorrow By now, you’ve likely heard the statement that COVID-19 has become an accelerant to business trends. The pandemic has been pushing trends that were emerging to the mainstream, in some cases overnight.  […]

Talk to the Human Not the Consumer in COVID-19

As the world wrestles the COVID-19 calamity, brands are groping their way through a dark and smoky tunnel seeking the right message and tone to engage with people. Some are nailing it. And some aren’t. That is understandable, and even forgivable, although brands that get it wrong won’t be forgiven. There is no playbook for […]

Reimagining Influencer Marketing Strategy: It’s Time to Think Bigger

Influencer marketing can be a cost effective and powerful way for marketers to generate content, reach audiences, and build authentic relationships. However, because of the perceived risks, brands can be hesitant to entrust their brand to an influencer. Much of this risk centres around fraud. It’s estimated that at least 15% of advertisers’ spending on influencer […]

Social Media Risk Management

How the world has changed. It’s hard to believe that just a few years ago, the social media risks associated with any business were vastly different. Gone are the days of one-way marketing communications and welcome to the world of dialogue. Businesses and organizations can be intimidated by “Risk Management” and the implications of feedback […]

5 Tips for Managing Negative Feedback on Social Media

Social media has become one of the primary ways brands communicate with their customers. Brands can present information, personalize interactions, and instantly respond to customer concerns and questions. The reverse is also true—social media amplifies the voice of customers, giving them a public platform to share both praise and criticism with just a few keystrokes. […]

5 Tips for Using LinkedIn to Drive Traffic to Your Website

If you’re a B2B marketer, LinkedIn is the ideal place for you to increase your reach, connect with potential customers, and drive traffic to your blog or website. It has become known as the social media channel where people can find professionally relevant information and with over 590 million users and counting, promoting content on LinkedIn makes […]

Buckle Up! Growth is a Wild Ride

There I was, young and ambitious and absorbing as much as I could at business school. The approach I needed to take was seemingly simple, and my understanding of what I would experience (in my own eyes) was clear.  Fast forward to two years into my career, after I had landed a gig with a […]

#paid: An Interview with Shawn Lowe

Time + Space’s VP, Growth & Partnerships, Shawn Lowe, recently sat down to chat about influencer marketing in issue 002 of #paid magazine. Here’s what he had to say: What drove you to consider starting an influencer marketing campaign?  Many our clients operate in highly competitive environments, in some cases being significantly out invested by […]

Balancing Act: The Art and Science of Marketing

Is marketing an art or a science? A debate rages over which category fits best and people seem to have strong opinions about whether marketing falls into one grouping or the other. Some argue that marketing is a science because it’s all about analyzing data. Others contend it’s an art because it is about the […]