Influencer Marketing: How to Keep Your Brand Safe and Influence People

Influencer marketing has become quite popular for brand marketing. Research from #paid and Nielsen Consumer Insights shows that, on average, influencer marketing results in a 60% greater shift in Brand Perception Metrics and is over 2x more likely to engage viewers than television commercials. No wonder brands are flocking to influencers in hoards to help sell their products and services!   However, […]

Setting Realistic Expectations to Drive Success

When it comes to planning and strategy, it’s important to properly outline and manage expectations. Looking forward to Q4, you’re surely aware of the value of this when it comes time to defining objectives and budgets for 2019. Failure to set proper expectations can cause frustration and roadblocks, even if you experience a modest and […]

Mapping Your Customer Journey

The customer journey is the complete sum of experiences that customers go through when engaging with your company and brand. Rather than looking at a part of a transaction or experience, the customer journey documents the full experience of being a customer. Think of it as a roadmap detailing how a customer becomes aware of […]

Defining a Marketing Budget

Regardless of the size of your organization or the vertical that you operate in, a common question asked by many CMOs revolves around marketing investment and the optimal level of spending based on the size of the business. There are many variables that can have an impact on your budget, and there’s no right or wrong answer. We can, however, provide some strategic guidance in determining […]

Finding Your Business’ Balance: Short vs. Long-Term Marketing Strategies

It’s the catch-22 of almost every business: your objective is to make your products fly off the proverbial shelves. In cases where traffic is slow to arrive, it could be because you haven’t invested enough in your brand-building initiatives. To tackle this, you slash your pricing — and the traffic trickles in. However, those that […]

Is it Time to Rethink Your Attribution Model?

As it stands, many brands are still focused on a first touch or last touchpoint attribution models. This approach, while it may appear positive assigns 100 percent of the attribution to the ad which first was exposed to the individual or the last-click they made showing a “clear” path to ROI, ignoring all of the nuances of a customer’s […]

Influencer Marketing: It’s Nothing New

What you will learn from this post: How influencer marketing is an evolution of product placement How today’s social media superstars differ  How best to integrate influencer marketing into your brand’s marketing campaigns  Influencer marketing is hot, that’s surely not news to anyone. This marketing tactic has been the darling of online advertising for the […]