Developing a Marketing Dream Team

In the constantly shifting world of marketing, a strong team is the cornerstone of any successful company. Your team is responsible for turning ideas into campaigns, strategies into results, and leads into loyal customers. The importance of communication and collaboration cannot be understated, and senior leaders play a pivotal role in building and managing an […]
AVENIR GLOBAL acquires Halifax-based media agency Time & Space

AVENIR GLOBAL, the Montreal-based holding and management company of public relations and communications firms, bolsters its Canadian operations with the acquisition of Time & Space, one of Canada’s leading independent media agency headquartered in Halifax. Founded in 1988, Time & Space holds an enviable reputation as a thought leader and go-to consultancy for innovative marketing […]
Customers Want Sincere Activism With Cause Marketing

In 2017, Pepsi launched a ‘Live for Now-Moments’ campaign which included an ad that was targeting millennials “to project a global message of unity, peace, and understanding.” Featuring Kendall Jenner, and a wide range of hired actors, this ad lit a fire within consumers as they started holding brands accountable who were inauthentic with their messaging and seemed to be only looking for a cash grab. Many responses to the ad were sarcastic and annoyed at the brand: the […]
The Benefits of Hiring New Grads

When universities and colleges come to an end in the spring, an influx of new graduates will begin looking to jumpstart their professional career. I’m sure if you’re a recruiter, hiring manager, or business owner you know exactly what this looks like. Many companies are hesitant to hiring faces fresh out of the books – […]
Translating Skills to Opportunity: Applying to Time & Space

When I first graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, I really had no idea what I was going to do next. Having a degree in Public Relations opened doors to a number of possibilities, but narrowing down what I really wanted to do with my degree was the greatest challenge. Did I want […]
Rebranding for Brand Purpose: How M&M’s Slipped

Adapting to the new desires of consumers can manifest for brands in a myriad of ways, one popular move this week being the shift of brand identity to align with brand purpose.
A C-Suite Partnership is the Key to Digital Maturity

“Back to the Office” in the “New Normal”

All the hard work of the last year has been leading toward this “new normal” that seems to get thrown around a lot. Now, we have made it to a place where businesses can re-open and offices can as well. But the “new normal” questions whether or not some of the changes of the past […]
The Importance of Agility in Back to the Office Planning

In this Blog you will find: What we have done with the Time & Space Media Office to operate during COVID19 What has and has not worked for us What we anticipate for the future While the Time & Space team was able to work remotely during the quarantine period, we knew it wouldn’t last […]
Re-Skilling Your Workforce for Success

In this Blog you will find: The necessity of up-skilling and re-skilling Company changes to begin re-skilling your workforce Skills to succeed in a post-pandemic environment A constantly evolving world means it is more important than ever for your company structure to use an agile approach to match the changing needs of customers and clients. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated […]