Market Segmentation in Fashion: Tailoring Success for Today’s Audiences

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of fashion, market segmentation emerges as a crucial driver for brands to conquer the industry and achieve unparalleled marketing success. Understanding the diverse needs and preferences of customer segments is the key to fashion brands’ ability to craft personalized approaches, elevate customer engagement, and establish an indomitable brand identity. […]

Recruitment Resilience: Thriving in a Recession

It is often said that a crisis is an opportunity in disguise. This holds particularly true for businesses navigating the tough waters of talent acquisition during a recession. The challenges are real, but they can also set the stage for new, innovative strategies and ultimately, organizational success.   Recruiting during a recession differs markedly from other […]

Unlocking the Potential of QR Codes in Modern Marketing

The increasing popularity of QR codes in recent years has revolutionized the way marketers engage and connect with their target audience. These scannable, two-dimensional barcodes have emerged as an integral part of innovative marketing strategies, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic when contactless transactions and touchless interactions became essential for ensuring safety and convenience.   QR codes […]

Consequences of The Online News Act

A few months ago, we took a look at the implications of media with the introduction of Bill C-18, The Online News Act. The Act would mean aggregators like Facebook and Google would have to fairly compensate Canadian news publishers for using their content across their platforms, striking deals to ensure publishers were partnering with […]

Driving Sales: How Car Dealerships Can Market for Car-Sharing

As our society becomes increasingly focused on sustainability and cost-effectiveness, car-sharing and ride-hailing services have become more popular than ever. These services allow individuals and businesses to rent or share vehicles on an as-needed basis, rather than owning their own car. For car dealerships, this presents a unique opportunity to market cars to a new […]

Capitalizing on Convenience With Food Subscription Services

In recent years, the food and beverage industry has undergone significant transformation, driven by changing consumer preferences, advancements in technology, and the increasing demand for sustainable and healthy options. As a result, food subscription services like HelloFresh, Chef’s Plate, and GoodFood have emerged as major disruptors in the industry. These services provide consumers with a […]

How Digital Innovation is Reshaping CPG

The grocery landscape has been at a standstill for decades, and what leaps were made happened over longer stretches of time. The increase in forced trial and adoption for consumers in online retail has pushed the need for innovation and change within the industry at an unprecedented rate. In much the same way that individuals […]

The Role of Marketing in Electric Vehicles (EV)

Electric vehicles (EV) and sustainable transportation are gaining popularity around the world, with more and more consumers looking for environmentally-friendly alternatives to traditional gasoline-powered cars. This trend towards electric and sustainable transportation is not only driven by concerns about the environment, but also by advances in technology and changes in consumer preferences. The EY Mobility […]

The Power of CX in Insurance

During times of difficulty, consumers are looking for assistance where they can get it. It’s more important than ever for insurance companies and brokers to be customer obsessed, placing the individual at the heart of their offerings and business model. Adopting a long-term mindset that focuses on brand trust and building lasting relationships with customers […]

Lean on Enhanced Experiences During a Cost-of-Living Crisis

In response to the cost-of-living crisis, brands are proactively adapting their strategies to cater to discerning consumers who carefully choose where to spend their money. Recognizing the value of investing in their products, brands are prioritizing the creation of stronger in-store experiences to showcase their offerings with immersive in-store experiences at the forefront of this […]